Sunday, July 13, 2008

no one on the corner has swagger like us

i am so bored.

don't get me wrong, i have plenty to do. i work solid hours, do graphic design stuff, been working on building up my photography portfolio, playing mandolin & piano, etc etc...but i've lost touch with most of my friends back here in the burgh and so my life is pretty dull.  hence lame updates like this one.

still, i guess im at least getting a lot done. and, as an added bonus, it is actually making me kind of look forward to going back to taylor. weird.

earlier this week i started going to spin classes again. cmc-- WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? haha. ever since i have been home its been a major pain getting back into shape. granted, i lost 8lbs over the semester...however, while no sleep and ridiculous amounts of coffee aid in weight loss, it doesn't do much to keep you physically fit. i think my running routine lasted the first two weeks and then was thrown out the window. when i came home, i promised myself i would get back to running every day but a crazy work schedule and getting sick repeatedly didn't help. so, the past few weeks i have been kicking my butt in the gym trying to get back into some sort of shape. i'd really, really like to do the indi mini-marathon (13 miles) this spring, so i've got a lot of work ahead of me...

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