Sunday, July 27, 2008

love and communication

just got home this afternoon from columbus. (i ended up going there for two days for a last minute family thing). 

on the ride home, i just had this overwhelming reminder of how blessed i am. i feel like it is so easy to always focus on the negative, to always search for what could be improved. 

but when i really think about it, really really think about it, i am overwhelmed with how blessed i am. how fortunate i am to have the friends and family that i do. just how much beauty there is around me.

it is kind of like that plastic bag scene from american beauty.
sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, i feel like i can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.

there is so much pain,  suffering, and corruption in the world. yet, there is so much beauty and peace in people's reaction to the pain, the comfort offered by a friend, or simply the reassurance a big blue sky gives you that there is something greater than yourself. if you blink, you may miss it. but if you really take the time to open your eyes wide, there is beauty and joy in everything around us.

on another note, i am very excited that i have officially booked the founder of to write love on her arms for this fall. it is such a great organization, if you haven't heard of it check it out at . so often the church wants to shy away from issues of depression, suicide, drug abuse, and self mutilation. 

yet, these are major issues facing our generation. for me (and millions of other people), it is more than "issues," it is the faces of friends and family who have struggled or tragically lost the battle. we are a wealthy nation, yet we are empty. our wallets are full but something is lacking. it breaks my heart how many people feel that they do not matter, or feel like no one cares for them. 

i am really excited to have this speaker at the university and hope that it will still up conversation, awareness, and action. 


Thursday, July 24, 2008

mad beats

tracks i am digging this week:

D.A.N.C.E - justice
for reverend green - animal collective
bucky done gun - M.I.A.
the frug - rilo kiley
bubble toes - jack johnson 

Monday, July 21, 2008

maybe i belong in english after all...

confession time:

i really like to cook. this summer i've spent a lot of time in the kitchen messing around and perfecting recipes. it is about the only "domestic" thing about me (i still don't know how to iron or take the time to fold any of my clothes). i just think cooking is really cool, how it is kind of part science project part art project. it is also cool to create something people can really enjoy.

anyways, tonight i made a coconut-thai soup with the leftover coconut milk from the cupcakes this weekend. it was a big hit with the fam... even my dad (who had to be coaxed into eating something with tofu) was up for seconds.

oh and confession #2: i've begun defriending people on facebook. i kind of feel guilty but i am not sure why. i am only removing people i went to high school or my freshman year at gcc with who i barely talked to then and who i dont talk to now. i just really don't like seeing names when i log in and i have to ask myself "how do i even know them?" 

well those are the big events of my monday, haha.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

free rice

everyone should go to this website NOW

basically, you work to improve your vocabulary while also helping rice to be delivered to people who really need it.

on the bottom of each page, there is a banner from a sponsor. these sponsors pay the website based on the number of views of their banner (like with many website) and then the creators of website take that money and give it directly to the UN World Food Program.

the  first FreeRice donations have gone to purchase rice:
- in Bangladesh, to feed 27,000 refugees from Myanmar for two weeks.
- in Cambodia, to provide take-home rations of four kilograms of rice for two months to 13,500 pregnant and nursing women.
- in Uganda, to feed 66,000 school children for a week.
- in Nepal, to feed over 108,000 Bhutanese refugees for three days.
- in Bhutan, to feed 41,000 children for over 3 days.
- in Myanmar, to feed 750,000 cyclone affected people for 3 days.

so, instead of wasting time on facebook, start building your vocab!

vegan food isn't gross

this weekend i made vegan german chocolate cupcakes. they were enjoyed by vegans and nonvegans alike.

this proves:
a) i am an awesome cook. 
b) vegan food isn't always gross.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

some days..

you can't help but be overwhelmed by the beauty in everything around you.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

sometimes you're flush...

sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust. and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems. and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. but life goes on...

this summer has been one hell of a ride. ups and downs, manic and dull, everything happening with nothing occurring. i've found myself in the thick of things and situations i had left hundreds of miles behind... and i'm having to face them on my own.

i have always thought of myself as an independent person. in fact, i have a tendency to be too independent for my own good at times. however, i am realizing i still depend on others way too much for self-assurance. when hard times hit, i really need someone to turn to for an encouraging word. 

i guess that's not necessarily a bad thing, but i know it really should be God i turning to, not friends. 

so here He's placed me, in the thick of it, juggling all this solo. although i know i have people to fall back on, the matter of the fact is almost all of them are hundreds of miles away and have their own lives to live. so i suppose this is a lesson in being truly independent. or rather, truly dependent on Him.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

no one on the corner has swagger like us

i am so bored.

don't get me wrong, i have plenty to do. i work solid hours, do graphic design stuff, been working on building up my photography portfolio, playing mandolin & piano, etc etc...but i've lost touch with most of my friends back here in the burgh and so my life is pretty dull.  hence lame updates like this one.

still, i guess im at least getting a lot done. and, as an added bonus, it is actually making me kind of look forward to going back to taylor. weird.

earlier this week i started going to spin classes again. cmc-- WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? haha. ever since i have been home its been a major pain getting back into shape. granted, i lost 8lbs over the semester...however, while no sleep and ridiculous amounts of coffee aid in weight loss, it doesn't do much to keep you physically fit. i think my running routine lasted the first two weeks and then was thrown out the window. when i came home, i promised myself i would get back to running every day but a crazy work schedule and getting sick repeatedly didn't help. so, the past few weeks i have been kicking my butt in the gym trying to get back into some sort of shape. i'd really, really like to do the indi mini-marathon (13 miles) this spring, so i've got a lot of work ahead of me...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

oh edgartown i miss you....

Monday, July 7, 2008

prayer request...

as many of you know, several members of my church own and run a tattoo shop... while the upstairs operates as a normal tattoo shop, the basement is where weekly bible studies meet and where the homeless ministry i worked with last summer met.  i just found out earlier today that the shop was broken into, robbed, and vandalized last night.  some of the people who help run the shop were also mugged just a few weeks ago and a couple months ago the van that belongs to a band who spends a lot of time with the tattoo shop / ministry was vandalized.

they don't really know if they are purposely being targeted or if it is just a result of increased violence in the area. 

please keep them in your prayers as they try to find a way to pay for repairs and try to continue to support the ministries that meet there.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

spinal tap and deeper thoughts

my pastor made a reference to spinal tap today.

haha. i love my church.

not just because my pastors have an amazing sense of humor or because they welcome so many people with such open arms,

but because it really challenges me. it calls me out when i am being self-centered, self-righteous, or impatient. it reminds me of what's really important.

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

sometimes "the least of these" is someone poor and in need. sometimes it is someone halfway across the world. sometimes it is someone battling an addiction. sometimes it is someone right next door. sometimes it is someone in the cash only lane trying to pay with a check. sometimes it is someone who doesn't speak your language. sometimes it is someone who has really hurt you.

chances are, it is whoever it is that is the hardest for you to love.

[i am beginning to realize i am exactly where i need to be for right now. this is where i am tried and pushed. this is where i am forced to break myself down time and time again and really ask who i am and what i believe.]

nobody said it would be easy. in fact, i don't think it is meant to be.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

stuff white people like

this blog is one of the funniest things i've seen (it's right up there with lolcats). some days it hits home closer than others.
