Monday, July 21, 2008

maybe i belong in english after all...

confession time:

i really like to cook. this summer i've spent a lot of time in the kitchen messing around and perfecting recipes. it is about the only "domestic" thing about me (i still don't know how to iron or take the time to fold any of my clothes). i just think cooking is really cool, how it is kind of part science project part art project. it is also cool to create something people can really enjoy.

anyways, tonight i made a coconut-thai soup with the leftover coconut milk from the cupcakes this weekend. it was a big hit with the fam... even my dad (who had to be coaxed into eating something with tofu) was up for seconds.

oh and confession #2: i've begun defriending people on facebook. i kind of feel guilty but i am not sure why. i am only removing people i went to high school or my freshman year at gcc with who i barely talked to then and who i dont talk to now. i just really don't like seeing names when i log in and i have to ask myself "how do i even know them?" 

well those are the big events of my monday, haha.

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