on the ride home, i just had this overwhelming reminder of how blessed i am. i feel like it is so easy to always focus on the negative, to always search for what could be improved.
but when i really think about it, really really think about it, i am overwhelmed with how blessed i am. how fortunate i am to have the friends and family that i do. just how much beauty there is around me.
it is kind of like that plastic bag scene from american beauty.
sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, i feel like i can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.
there is so much pain, suffering, and corruption in the world. yet, there is so much beauty and peace in people's reaction to the pain, the comfort offered by a friend, or simply the reassurance a big blue sky gives you that there is something greater than yourself. if you blink, you may miss it. but if you really take the time to open your eyes wide, there is beauty and joy in everything around us.
on another note, i am very excited that i have officially booked the founder of to write love on her arms for this fall. it is such a great organization, if you haven't heard of it check it out at http://www.twloha.com/ . so often the church wants to shy away from issues of depression, suicide, drug abuse, and self mutilation.
yet, these are major issues facing our generation. for me (and millions of other people), it is more than "issues," it is the faces of friends and family who have struggled or tragically lost the battle. we are a wealthy nation, yet we are empty. our wallets are full but something is lacking. it breaks my heart how many people feel that they do not matter, or feel like no one cares for them.
i am really excited to have this speaker at the university and hope that it will still up conversation, awareness, and action.